Less clicks, more success with Google Adwords

Google Adwords is a great way to attract viewers to your site. But many clicks aren't always better...

Owning your own site is a fun way to rent out your own second home. But how do you attract enough visitors to your site? The internet is full of holiday homes. Sometimes you can't escape a visit. boost to give with advertisements. Google Adwords They are often the best choice.

Every click costs money. How do you ensure that that click also generates money again?

The answer is simple, but a bit strange: Make sure that few people click on your ad. After all, you don't need many visitors if you only have to rent out a house. You are not looking for many visitors to your website. You want exactly the right visitors.

Selecting the right visitors is easier than it seems:

Be honest and precise in your advertising text. You can be a little modest in your ad, as long as you make up for that on your website. Just call your house 'fun', instead of 'luxury'. And mention the price in high season. This way, the house on your site is better than the visitor expects. And your house stands out positively from the other sites with a similar advertisement text.

Are you trying to rent out a last week of high season? Name that week. If you only have the last week of August off, you don't want to waste precious clicks on someone who wants to go on vacation in July.

Use many (and the right) exclusion words. In Google Adwords you can indicate when your ad may be shown and when it may not. If someone is looking for a campsite, you don't want them to click on your ad. The best thing is that Google does not show your ad at all.

Offers low on keywords. Your ad doesn't have to be at the top. We're not looking for someone who just clicks on the top three ads. You'd rather have someone who goes a little further. scrolls and choose your ad among the others.

Choose a low amount per day. This gives you the space to experiment.

Check the results of your experiments. Doesn't anyone click on your ad anymore? Then he can be a little more inviting. Is your ad not showing? Then you may have to delete in the exclusion words. Did you run out of money in half an hour? Then it is important to be a bit stricter.

It sounds a bit crazy, selecting so strictly on who you do and do not invite on your website. But in the end, it's not about who visits your site, but who rents your house. And let's be honest: You don't want everyone on the floor either.

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